My Process as a Therapist

My Process as a Therapist

I was recently asked by my close friend and colleague, Ali Burke, to document my therapeutic process, or the components of my practice that I feel help make me an effective therapist (to the degree that I am effective. I’ll let my clients decide if I actually am...
The Power of Good Parenting

The Power of Good Parenting

I occasionally have the joy of working with people who were clearly raised in a healthy way. It is surprisingly rare in this line of work, partially, of course, because people with healthy upbringings probably need less therapy. But when they do, for example to help...
Acceptance vs. Healing

Acceptance vs. Healing

When I first started my personal growth journey, it was all about healing. Discovering parts of myself that were wounded, acknowledging those wounds, and giving them what they needed. Healing is a deeply satisfying journey for me, one where I feel physiological...
My 6-Minute Morning Routine

My 6-Minute Morning Routine

Self care is an important part of our mental health and wellbeing. Taking the time to invest in ourselves, eating right, sleeping right, exercising, and doing things that restore our energy are key components of a balanced life. But I don’t pretend that this is...