The Best Nature in Hamilton, Ontario

Note: All content on this site is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not an alternative for qualified medical or mental health care. As Hypnotists, we are not qualified to diagnose or treat mental health disorders.

Hamilton, Ontario is famous for its waterfalls, parks, and greenery. As a hypnotherapist and meditator living in the city, I often find that even a quick walk through the forest clears my head and allows me to connect back to myself.

Connecting with nature is one of the best things you can do for your mental health, and I feel very fortunate to live so close to lake Ontario. Here are some of my favorite spots in Hamilton and the surrounding area to hike, by myself or with with friends.

Princess Point

Tiffany Falls

Borers Falls

Chedoke Trail

Dundurn stairs

Devil’s Punchbowl

This one is a bit further out, but it offers a truly magnificent drop and a great view of the area.

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The Difference Between Hypnosis and Meditation

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